Extended deadline for the Steart Marshes questionnaire

Dear Otter Tales readers

(Till 15 August): Extended deadline for the Steart Marshes questionnaire! (Online link below)

In the middle of July, each house in Steart, Stockland Bristol, Otterhampton and Combwich received a paper copy of the questionnaire “About You, the Estuary and Steart Marshes”, created by UWE Bristol and Japanese universities.

If a representative from your household (someone aged 15 or older, ideally whose birthday is the closest to 1st January ) has not yet filled in the questionnaire, although he/she is happy to make a contribution, please send in the paper questionnaire (by the 15 August) or use the link below to fill in the online format instead.
Online questionnaire link > https://goo.gl/forms/ sCTsr28ONOcfkbcH3

If your house representative has already sent in the questionnaire, please ignore this email.
Sorry, and a big thank you!

< Further information about the project >
Supported by the Sedgemoor District Council, we are independent researchers from universities in Bristol and Japan who have conducted similar studies in Malaysia and Japan.

We are looking for someone aged 15 or older, ideally whose birthday is the closest to 1st January to complete the survey as a representative of the views of the household.

If you are interested, you can also enter the prize draw with a chance to win a one of three £20 vouchers for the Blackmore Farm Shop or the Croft Farm Family Butchers (which sells saltmarsh lamb from the Steart Marshes). The information you give us will remain anonymous, and the deadline for posting the survey or sending your answer via online link is 15 August 2018.

(online questionnaire link) https://goo.gl/forms/sCTsr28ON OcfkbcH3

The research results will be shared in a future Otter Tales and Stockland Gatepost.
Thank you very much in advance!

(Commissioners of the survey)
Dr Mark Everard (University of the West of England); Rob McInness (RM Wetlands & Environment Ltd.); Dr Naoyuki Mikami (Hokkaido University, Japan); Dr Hiromi Yamashita (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan) E-mail: hiromiya@apu.ac.jp, Tel +81 977 78 1065