Otter Tales is the community newsletter for Otterhampton parish. It is a partner to this website, which is the place to go for local information between the bi-monthly issues of Otter Tales.
We are always grateful for any comments/criticisms/suggestions about Otter Tales to help ensure that it remains relevant and interesting. You may have ideas for a feature, or a photograph of the area which you could share with our readers. Maybe you have a story about your local organisation to tell?
Please submit your information/article/events (including photographs where appropriate) not later than the first Thursday of the month, preferably by email or word document to:
- News, articles, reports and other contributions to tel: 07879810077
The distribution of Otter News to every house in the parish is organised by Bob Birkenhead tel: 653127
Otter Tales is produced with support from the Otterhampton Parish Council, for which we are extremely grateful.
We are looking for more volunteers to join the editorial and distribution teams, so if you can help or just want more information please let Barry know.
We look forward to hearing from you 🙂
Below are the current and older copies of of Otter Tales