Otterhampton Parish Recreation Association
OPRA was established in 2000 with Charitable Status agreed in 2008 (No 1124017) and operates exclusively within the Otterhampton Parish; we organise activities directly, or support others, sometimes by making a grant or providing pump priming finance to get something going.
A few examples of OPRA organised and supported activities in recent years:-
- Contribution to Welcome Sign at entrance to the village
- Village Hall Talks during the winter months
- Annual Easter Egg Hunt
- Senior’s Christmas Dinner
- Annual Firework Display.
- Christmas Trees and lights – Combwich & Steart
- Biennial Fete
- Play Equipment on the Common
- Regular maintenance of the Common
- Re-hanging village hall curtain
- Financial support for equipment for our School, events for the Brownies and Little Otters
- Start up funding for Monthly Village Market, Friday Coffee Club, Chat & Chill, Community Choir, Art Group, Badminton Club to name but a few.
To keep our community updated with events we have merged our newsletter with the parish council newsletter to create ‘Otter Tales’ which is distributed to every household in the Parish. OPRA is also responsible for providing this website for the community.
We have a number of new and exciting ideas, however, if you have suggestions for future OPRA activities and/or want to become involved please get in touch with any trustee.
- Tina Gardener (Chair & 100 Club) 652642
- Carol Bradbury (Secretary) 652313
- Sue Francis 653663 (Treasurer & 100 Club)
- Barry Leathwood (Vice- Chair) 652399
- Felicity Ashworth 653633
- Mary Cornish 653868
- Di Davey 652141
- Melvin Fooks 651323
- Paul Bradbury 652313
- Connie Sanders 653307
- Peter Sanders 653307
- Rev Jan Church 07733 433526
Grant Applications. If your organisation needs a little financial help, grants are available from OPRA. Please download and complete the simple application form: – OPRA grant application form
100 Club
The OPRA 100 Club offers you the chance to win weekly cash prizes and support OPRA financially at the same time.
Find our more here and join the growing number of villagers contributing and benefiting from membership! Contact Tina on 652642 or Sue on 653663.