100 Club

OPRA has financially supported  the creation of the new children’s  play area in Combwich and provided set-up funding and grants to other local organisations. The annual firework display, the senior citizens Christmas Dinner, Christmas trees for Combwich and Steart, an Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the parish, monthly walks and  many other activities, including the maintenance of the common have only been possible because of the support of OPRA.

Our funds come mainly from the members of the 100 Club who contribute a £1 a week and participate in the weekly draw, made monthly at the Friday Coffee morning in the village hall. This is your local charity where all the money raised (after the prize money is paid out) is spent in the  community and in support of local people and organisations.

Seniors Christmas dinner December 2021

The winning numbers are posted on this website, and also displayed in the Post Office.  December 2024 Winners

The winners of the 2024 Christmas Draw are, 1st Prize -Joan Selway 2nd Prize – Linda Weaver and 3rd Prize – Alison Williams

Half the money raised is returned to members in prize money the rest is used to support community activities.

By joining the 100 Club you not only have a chance of winning a cash prize, you will automatically become a member of OPRA and eligible to have a say in how the money raised is spent.



A new village Welcome Feature was installed in early 2011 by the Parish Council with the help of OPRA .


Please help make our village a better place!

Contact Tina on 652642


Rules of the Otterhampton Parish Recreation Association (OPRA) 100 Club


  • Application to join the OPRA 100 Club is in writing only on the official application form  (Give your completed form to Tina Gardener (652642)

  • All applicants must be aged 16 or over

  • The numbers will be allocated in chronological order by the officers of OPRA

  • The subscription is payable by quarterly standing order only, at a rate of £13.00 per quarter per number allocated

  • A maximum of 50% of the monies collected each month will be available as prizes for each month as per the ‘Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976’

  • The value of the prizes will vary with the number of participants and be regulated by the ‘Lotteries and Amusement Act 1976’

  • Prizes will be awarded as follows:…….Weekly: 1st 2nd and 3rd Monthly: 1st, 2nd and two 3rd

  • 5% of the annual subs will be put towards a free Christmas draw for all members holding a number as at October prior to that December. Actual prizes will be announced at the draw.

  • Your number(s) will only be entered into the draws for which advance payment has been received directly into the OPRA 100 Club bank account in accordance with the standing order mandate

  • Subscription to OPRA 100 Club is for a minimum of 3 (three) months No refunds will be given on subscriptions

  • The draws will take place on the first Friday (or next working day) in each calendar month for the preceding month’s weekly and monthly draws.

  • The draws will take place at various public venues throughout the parish, with each venue being publicised with the previous month’s winners.

  • The draws will be conducted by an individual other than an officer of OPRA, but witnessed by an officer of OPRA

  • All winners will be notified within 7 days of each draw

  • A list of the month’s winners and prizes will be posted on the village notice board, in Combwich shop.

  • All prizes will be payable by bank transfer. No cash will be given out

  • Cancellation of your subscription is to be given in writing to any officer of OPRA and not just by cancellation of your standing order.

  • NB. Membership of the 100 Club is also full membership of OPRA with voting rights.

Welcome to the website for Combwich, Otterhampton and Steart