Category Archives: Events
Italian Pop-Up Restaurant Comes To Combwich

Gardeners’ Question Time comes to Combwich
contains art – 2014 exhibitions

A thank you from Joseph
Thank you to everyone who donated to my sponsored event, A Journey for Doh in memory of my Grandpa!
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St. Peters Church, Combwich – Harvest Home
Come and celebrate the age old tradition of harvest!
There will be an open air service and blessings around the village. Afterwards you could enjoy a home cooked three course meal and coffee for only £6.50 in good company.
11am on Sunday 6th October at Otterhampton Village Hall
Come and join us... you will be most welcome
To book … Continue Reading ››
Sponsored cycle and sail

Calling all artists (budding and otherwise!)
PLANT SALE…………bring & buy
Have you weathered the winter winds?Dug the ground deep?
Sown the summer seeds?
- Then you’re ready for seedlings of every shade, shape and colour.
- Buy some young plants to make your garden colourful all through the summer
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Tea Dance
Saturday 20th April 4.30pm - 7.00pm in the Village Hall.
Don't worry if you can't dance or don't have a partner, just come along and have some fun, just pay at the door. Ticket £3 includes admission, tea and cake and a raffle ticket, so get out those dancing shoes and do … Continue Reading ››