You may have heard that on the 1st June we successfully started operating Otter Wheels.
It is a car scheme to help anyone in our community who for various reasons are unable to undertake journeys themselves.
All who are involved in the scheme are volunteers and all passengers must be registered before they are able to use the service.
If you feel that you might need to make use of this car scheme and are not registered please contact Yvonne Bulman on 652713 or the duty coordinator on 07925 154 216 and we will be pleased to let you have a registration form. Journeys are charged at 45p per mile and if you are a bus pass holder you get a concessionary rate.
Finally – if you are a driver and have a four door vehicle and feel you would like to be involved please do contact us; most of the journeys that are undertaken are very local, e.g. the health centre at Cannington or Bridgwater town centre.
- Otter Wheels Chair – Jacqui Sparks
- Treasurer – Liz Brown
- Secretary – Yvonne Bulman
Our thanks go to Councillor John Edney for a grant from the Health and Wellbeing Budget and to our own Parish Council for their grant and continuing support.