Snowdrops…spring is coming!

P2070104 2Please have a look at the wild flower meadow site as you pass by.

Agreed it all looks a little soggy and sorry but look closely and you will see little rays of hope for better weather to come.

Other flowers will follow soon. We await the wild daffodils that we planted last autumn and a little later the anemones.

Keep looking!

A special thank you to all who supported our raffle to raise funds to buy more seeds and bulbs and to maintain the site for the coming season. We have raised over £150 thanks to the generosity of everyone and especially those who gave prizes for the raffle and to Helen and the coffee club who gave us the takings from last weeks’ meeting.

P2070098 2We hope that you will continue to support us and send us your comments and any ideas you have. We hope that this Summer the meadow will have a wider variety of species. Time will tell.

Thank you all

Maureen, Louise, Liz and John.