Otterhampton Scrubs Hub needs your help

Otterhampton Scrubs Hub needs your help
Right then you lovely lot, it’s come to my attention (via Taunton Scrubbers!) that some of our local hospitals, clinics and care homes are in desperate need of PPE for our fantastic NHS staff. So, if you have a sewing machine and fancy helping out, I’d love to hear from you.
Apparently Musgrove are desperate for scrubs’ hats and head bands with buttons (to hold their masks in place, which is more comfortable than securing behind the ears). The picture shows one I made earlier today.
Otterhampton Parish Council have kindly offered some funding to get this project off the ground which will give our community an opportunity to help the NHS at this difficult time so I’d just like to say an official thank you to them.
The sewing would obviously need to be done in isolation in your own homes but I’m happy to co-ordinate the safe collection and distribution of everything in such a way that we keep within the recommended government guidelines in relation to Coronavirus.
If you’re interested in getting involved please let me know by emailing – please DON’T put your email address on this post. Once I hear from you I’ll send you full details. In order to keep in line with social distancing I will only be sending these details via email and you will need a printer.
Also, if you are classed as vulnerable with regard to Coronavirus or you or anyone in your household have, or have had any Covid-19 symptoms, then, for the sake of the whole village, I would appreciate you please not getting involved at this stage. I hope you understand.
Hope to hear from you. Thanks in advance.